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Hello! I'm Simba

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Hello and welcome to the official website of  Welcome to the Simba Cat website. Whether a lover of all things feline, or simply seeking some daily inspiration, you'll find it all here. We know that you discovered us through the amazing @simba_rakamaka Instagram group, and we're thrilled to have you as a visitor to our website. Through our beautiful images and engaging content, we aim to showcase the very best of the feline world and provide a platform for cat lovers to connect. We're confident that you'll find something that will make you smile and brighten up your day, all thanks to the power of cats!

Simba's story has begun with the fact that we love animals and we really wanted an affectionate furry friend. We saw a cute kitten of golden color on the website and immediately made an appointment with the breeder to get acquainted with the fluffy creature. To our surprise, on that day, all of our attention was drawn by a completely different kitten, purring and demanding to pet his fluffy tummy. It looked so cute and unusual and it seemed as he really wanted to be a part of our family. We never would have thought we'd come home with another kitten whom we then named Simba.
Ever since that day, we have been very happy that we chose our Simba. I am sure it was a life-changing encounter, because Simba has become a close friend to us.

He is a very affectionate purring cat. He loves to play, sleep next to us, and cuddle a lot. And most importantly, he shares happiness and his cat love, so necessary for a human.
Simba is a Golden British Shorthair cat, born May 23, 2020. I don't know if you believe that a cat chooses its own family, but we really believe Simba chose us.

Loves to play with his toy furr bird, walk in the garden, cuddle, fish, meat sticks as a treat.
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Simba Rakamaka